Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mouse in /Progress/ color-ish

Edit, final: Fixed a few tangent lines and did some clean up work.

Edit, again: Added some texture clipping masks and changed the background color. Still not quite liking something about it.

Edit: My roommate lent me a temporary replacement chord for my tablet, so I was able to scrap this together. Not sure about the background color, and overall something about the colors comes off as messy, just can't place my finger on any exact reasons why. I think the composition overall is boring, so I'm going to be making an effort to avoid static front-facing compositions as much as possible.

Usually I try not to post works in progress but the micro-usb cord for my tablet broke this morning, meaning this is the last update until I get the new one to come in. Was in the midst of coloring this guy and starting some new pieces in order to apply for a handfull of fall internships. So far I'll be applying to Marvel and Titmouse Animation in NYC. Hopefully my experience this summer means I have a fighting chance! 

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